CAM/CFHGSC Webinar: “Family Ties: Adventures in Finding My Family Stories”

Starts: April 13, 2021 at 5:00 pm
Ends: April 13, 2021 at 6:00 pm

Location:  Online
Admission:  Free

PictureThe Chinese American Museum (CAM) of Los Angeles and the Chinese Family History Group of Southern California (CFHGSC) are collaborating to present the inaugural program, Family Ties: Adventures in Finding My Family StoriesModerator Michael Ho will ask panelists Marisa Louie Lee, Bo-Gay Tong Salvador, and Brian Yee to share their personal experiences with their genealogy adventure. The panelists will share what motivated them to uncover pieces of their family history, their most meaningful discoveries, and what inspires them to continue searching for answers.

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