CHCP Annual Membership Meeting (Virtual/Online)

Starts: February 2, 2021 at 7:00 pm
Ends: February 2, 2021 at 8:30 pm

Location:  Online (Zoom)
Admission:  Free

Save the Date – Tuesday, 2/2/21 at 7:00 pm
BYODT…Bring Your Own Dim Sum and Tea

Take some Dim Sum and Boba Tea, mix in some nightclub dance routines and songs, add a dash of meet-and-greet of old and new friends, and you will have a recipe for a new cocktail party treat that is called…CHCP’s First Annual Lunar New Year Celebration and Annual Membership Meeting courtesy of the Zoom app and the CHCP Tech Team.

Program will feature:

  • 2020 Highlights and Plans for 2021 and Beyond
  • Entertainment to include the Grant Ave. Follies, and also a song about…Dim Sum!
  • Education – Short Intro of next month’s Speaker Series event about US Chinese American Contributions
  • Election of 2021 Officers, Trustees, Board of Directors, and Advisory Board
  • Small Breakouts to allow an opportunity to socialize with old and new friends

For Members: Please remember to renew your 2021 membership, to enable you to officially vote at this year’s Election.

For those of you who are not currently members: Please consider membership to help us continue our mission, support our many programs, and maintain our museum.

Why Membership?
For members, we appreciate your past and continued support through a challenging year…and encourage you to renew your membership. For those of you who are not currently members, please consider membership to help support our mission. While the museum will remain closed, we hope to continue to enhance our online events and need your support to do this. We plan to have an in-person social event later in the year when the shelter-in-place restrictions are lifted. We are also in the process of making improvements to the museum and also transitioning to a new membership management system and website.

For membership information:

 Membership Info

Register in advance for this meeting:

 Register Here

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the Zoom meeting.