SJ Chinatown/CHCP featured on KTSF Channel 26 (part 2)
Starts: November 28, 2017 at 10:00 pm Ends: November 28, 2017 at 11:00 pm
A two-part feature story of San Jose Chinatown/CHCP is set to air on KTSF Channel 26’s Chinese News on 11/27 and 11/28 at both 7 and 10 pm. “Chinese News at 7” airs at 7 pm in Cantonese, while “Chinese News at 10” airs at 10 pm in Mandarin. Be sure to check your local TV listings for exact schedule.
This feature was done by Journalist Jo Wan with CHCP co-founder Gerrye Wong escorting her through History Park San Jose and CHCP’s Chinese American Historical Museum.
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