Railroad Brochure
Brochure created by: CHCP Student Docents
Project for Chinese Historical and Cultural Project
August 2018
Outside of tri-fold brochure (click below to enlarge):

Inside of tri-fold brochure (click below to enlarge):

- “About Our Project: Chinese Railroad Workers in North America Project.” Stanford University, web.stanford.edu/group/chineserailroad/cgi-bin/wordpress/about-our-project/.
- Canton Army in the High Sierras, static1.squarespace.com/static/558b4633e4b0c093c65f40c8/t/59871b97b8a79b2766466f7d/1502026647291/Canton+Army+Transcont.+RR.pdf. Accessed 15 July 2018.
- Chan, Gene O., et al. Voices from the Railroad: Stories by Descendants of Chinese Railroad Workers. Chinese Historical Society of America, 2014, https://chsa.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/VoicesfromtheRailroad-RussellLow-excerpt.pdf
- Ding, Loni, director. Canton Army in the High Sierras. CET Films, 2001.
- Endsley, Courtney. “How the Transcontinental Railroad Changed America.” GTG Technology Group, 4 Nov. 2016,
- “FAQs: Chinese Railroad Workers in North America Project.” Stanford University, web.stanford.edu/group/chineserailroad/cgi-bin/wordpress/faqs/. Accessed 17 June 2018.
- “PBS – The West – Leland Stanford.” PBS.org, www.pbs.org/weta/thewest/people/s_z/stanford.htm.
- Maniery, Mary L., et al. “Leaving a Legacy.” Finding Hidden Voices of the Chinese Railroad Workers: An Archaeological and Historical Journey, Germantown, Society for Historical Archaeology, 2016, pp. 68-79.
- Swartz, James. “The Transcontinental Railroad: Central Pacific.” The Transcontinental Railroad,
faculty.montgomerycollege.edu/gyouth/FP_examples/student_examples/james_swartz/centralpacific.html. Accessed 15 July 2018.
- “Timeline: Chinese Railroad Workers in North America Project.” Stanford University, web.stanford.edu/group/chineserailroad/cgi-bin/wordpress/timeline/.
- Wilcox, Barbara. “Stanford Student Exhibit Reveals a Legacy of Chinese-American Engagement.” Stanford News, Stanford University, 13 July 2016, news.stanford.edu/thedish/2016/07/13/43067/.
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